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鶴居·伊藤 丹頂Sanctuary / Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary

在鶴居·伊藤 丹頂Sanctuary (位於鶴居村)最多時會有約400隻丹頂鶴飛到這裏來。一開始是伊藤良孝(故人)個人在這裡撒餌,之後日本野鳥協會接收了這塊撒餌場地,為了保護丹頂鶴以及其棲地於1987年時設置了此設施。2月時可以在雪地上看到雄鳥雌鳥的求愛舞蹈。

Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary (Tsurui Village) is an important facility to preserve the red-crowned crane, which is called Tancho in Japanese. The sanctuary is in eastern Hokkaido, close to the the crane's natural habitat. Around 400 red-crowned cranes fly to this sanctuary every year. Mr. Yoshitaka Ito privately started feeding the crane in an effort to support them as their numbers fell dramatically. Later, he offered his facility to the Wild Bird Society of Japan, and the Nature Center was built there with facilities for visitors in 1987. Visitors can study the crane and its environment. In February, visitors can see their courtship dance on a vista covered with snow.

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