本季的冬天日本全國都很溫暖, 雪下的非常少。 理由為印度洋的海水水溫變暖。產生積雨雲,偏西風的流向也產生變化。 今年比起往年偏西風往北側移動,因此冷空氣沒有南下。因此雪下的比較少。往年即使在札幌市內的道路兩旁都有1~2公尺的積雪,今年並沒有看到這樣的景象。
The winter of 2019/2020 has been warm thus far, resulting in less snow, not only in Hokkaido but regions Japan-wide which usually experience a lot of snow in winter. This is due to the high temperature of the Indian Ocean. Many cumulonimbus clouds are emanating from there, changing the course of the westerly winds. The winds are running further north than usual, preventing cold air masses from coming south. This is the mechanism that has seen the lower snow levels. In Sapporo in late January, there is usually snow piled one or two meters deep on both sides of roads but we are yet to see it this year.
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