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*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
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黃嘴天鵝 / Whooper Swan

黃嘴天鵝是擁有長脖子的大型天鵝。 全長約140公分,嘴巴是黑色和黃色。 翅膀展開時可達到接近3公尺。 因為要飛來日本過冬所以從歐亞大陸的針葉林飛來。過冬場所在日本東北以北,常常可以在道東的尾岱沼、厚岸湖、濤沸湖、風蓮湖和屈斜路湖等地看到。此外,在離札幌比較近可看到黃嘴天鵝的地方是苫小牧市的UTONAI湖。
The Whooper Swan is the biggest creature in the swan family, approximately 1.4 meters from beak to tail, with a wingspan of three meters. Its beak is black and yellow. In winter, they come to Japan from the Taiga, a biome in Siberia characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches. In Japan, they can be seen in the northern part of Tohoku, and Hokkaido. Odaitou, Lake Akkeshi, Lake Toufutsu, Lake Fuuren and Lake Kussharo in the eastern part of Hokkaido are good vantage points to see them. Near Sapporo, they frequent Lake Utonai in Tomakomai
Photo from Wikipedia

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