KIYOSATO燒酒工廠(位於清里町)是日本初次使用馬鈴薯來做燒酒的工廠。工廠的別名又叫作PAPASU酒莊。PAPASU的名字是由西班牙語的馬鈴薯而來。工廠裡面可以自由參觀。除了有可以試飲燒酒的區域,在8 月上旬到11月下旬也可以參觀燒酒的製作過程。從JR清里町車站開車約5分鐘。
Kiyosato Shochu Factory is one of the more well-known tourist spots in Kiyosato Town. They produce Shochu (the Japanese spirit distilled from rice, wheat and such), but they are known as being the pioneers of using potatoes for to make shochu. The factory is also called Papas Chateau, which is derived from potato in Spanish. People can enter the visitor’s area of the factory and discover what their shochu is like with free tasting. From the beginning of August to the end of November, visitors can have also observe the distilling process. The factory is five minutes from JR Kiyosato Station by car.
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