在札幌的波斯菊最佳觀賞時機是在8月下旬到9月中旬。在札幌市內的各處公園都可以看得到。其中又以札幌市南區的滝野鈴蘭丘陵公園中有26萬朵的波斯菊。鄂霍次克地區的Engaru公園(位於遠軽町)有多達1000萬朵的波斯菊盛開,最佳觀賞時期是從9到10月初。是日本最大規模的波斯菊花園 。
Hokkaido Flower Information
Cosmos flowers
The best season for cosmos flowers in Sapporo is from the end of August to the middle of September. In Sapporo, cosmos are quite common, and can be seen here and there. However, Takino Suzuran Hillside Park is very special, consisting of 260,000 cosmos flowers. It’s the biggest cosmos field in Sapporo. Hokkaido’s Engaru Town has the biggest cosmos field in Japan, with over 10 million flowers. As Engaru Town is in the northeast of Hokkaido, the best season differs a little from Sapporo,and is from September to October. It’s an awesome sightseeing spot in Hokkaido.
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