* Hokkaido Travel Tips的部落格

*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
We compile information on “0 yen tourist spots” and “must-see paid spots with extra benefits” and then keep them in our blog as archives for your convenience. We also introduce the food of Hokkaido and interesting souvenirs to take home.



天売島Footpath / Teuri Footpath

天売島Footpath (位於羽幌町)是位於天売島可步行到中央地區森林的小徑。是可以一邊欣賞島內的花卉與植物,可以邊聆聽野鳥的鳴叫聲一邊散步。這裡的道路建成可以讓自行車通過。在森林的內部有可以供休息的遊客中心。請注意除了遊客中心裡其他地方沒有廁所。推薦參觀的季節為5月到10月。

Teuri Footpath (Haboro Town) allows visitors to feel the wild nature of a forest located in the center of Teuri Island. People can walk while enjoying looking at flowers and plants and also listening the song of wild birds. Bicycles are allowed on the path too. In the inner part of the forest, there is a visitor center where people can take a rest. This is only place where toilets can be found on the path. The best season to walk there is from May to October. Half a day is enough to fully explore the path. Staying a night on the island is probably more enjoyable.

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