* Hokkaido Travel Tips的部落格

*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
We compile information on “0 yen tourist spots” and “must-see paid spots with extra benefits” and then keep them in our blog as archives for your convenience. We also introduce the food of Hokkaido and interesting souvenirs to take home.



東方薰衣草農場 / Lavender East

東方薰衣草農場(Lavender East;位於上富良野町)是以薰衣草而聞名的富田農場的另一個設施,於2008年開幕。本來這裡是做為香料用薰衣草的栽培地,只限於7月公開給觀光客參觀。位於富田農場東方約4公里的位置。園內有需付費使用由拖拉機來拉動的觀光棚車,可在車上欣賞壯闊的景色。

Lavender East (Kamifurano Town) is a lavender field with facilities for tourists which opened in 2008. It is managed by Farm Tomita which is a famous sightseeing spot in Nakafurano Town. Originally, the site of Lavender East was just a field to produce lavender for perfume, but since 2008 they opened to visitors only in July. There is a shop and cafe, and a big observation deck where people can experience a panoramic view. The location is about four kilometers from Farm Tomita's main site. There is an open-roof carriage pulled by a tractor, though it's a paid attraction.

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