* Hokkaido Travel Tips的部落格
*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
We compile information on “0 yen tourist spots” and “must-see paid spots with extra benefits” and then keep them in our blog as archives for your convenience. We also introduce the food of Hokkaido and interesting souvenirs to take home.
幣舞橋 / Nusamai Bridge
釧路漁人碼頭EGG / Kushiro Fisherman's Wharf EGG
釧路漁人碼頭EGG( 位於釧路市)是像室內植物園般的場所,位於MOO(綜合商業設施)的隔壁。EGG是Ever Green Garden(常綠花園)的簡稱,雖然是在冬天很長的釧路,但在EGG可保持整年的溫暖室溫。是充滿著花朵與綠意的休息場所。可免費入場參觀,內部也設有椅子。偶爾也會在裡面舉辦小型演唱會。
Kushiro Fisherman's Wharf EGG (Kushiro City) is an indoor public area with abundant greenery. Its shape is like a big egg built with glass. It is a glassed-in botanical garden with free admission. EGG is connected to MOO which is a commercial complex for shopping and eating. EGG is an acronym for ‘evergreen garden.’ Although winter in Kushiro is long and cold, the temperature in the building is kept warm year round and visitors can see flowers and green trees any season. Visitors can spend a relaxing, peaceful time here because chairs are provided too. Sometimes free music concerts are held here.
釧路漁人碼頭MOO / Kushiro Fisherman's Wharf MOO
釧路漁人碼頭MOO( 位於釧路市)是靠近觀光景點-幣舞橋的綜合商業設施。一樓是進駐有土特產品商店等的購物區域,2樓與3樓除了有飲食店之外,還有介紹釧路地區的市町村的土特產品或是觀光景點的觀光情報中心。MOO的發音所包含的涵義有意謂著未來的夢,以及代表釧路夏天的霧氣。
在紀伊國屋書店札幌總店的藝廊 / Kinokuniya Sapporo Bookshop Gallery
在紀伊國屋書店札幌總店的藝廊(位於札幌市中央區) ,主要會展示為期一周或兩周的展覽會。2樓的一部分區域是藝廊,隔壁是Starbucks咖啡廳。紀伊國屋書店是日本最大型的連鎖書店之一。札幌總店位於JR札幌車站的隔壁。舉辦著從陶藝到宛如跳出書面般的立體繪本等各種主題的展覽會。
Kinokuniya Sapporo Bookshop Gallery (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) regularly holds one or two week long exhibitions. The gallery is located on the corner of the second floor, next to Starbucks coffee shop. Kinokuniya is one of the biggest bookshop chains in Japan, and the Hokkaido flagship store is Kinokuniya Sapporo next to JR Sapporo Station. This gallery is free to enter, and they have a variety of exhibitions from traditional Japanese pottery to pop-up picture books for children. They sometimes also hold cultural events in the public area on the first floor.
Marimo手湯 / Marimo-no Teyu: a small onsen (hot springs) for the hands
0 yen tourist spots,
釧路地區/Kushiro District,
TO•OV•Cafe / TO OV Cafe
TO-ON Cafe is phonetically spelt with the actually name of their cafe reading TO OV Cafe - (Sapporo City Chuo-ku). They feature a free gallery . This cafe opened in October 2008, and has been popular among designers, artists and art lovers since then. Not only paintings, but also other artwork such as sculptures are exhibited there. The gallery is free of charge, and it is nice to buy a drink and take your time browsing the artwork. They close every other Monday to change exhibits. It is near Nakajima Koen station on the .Nanboku subway Line.
你的椅子·工房學舍 / "This is your chair" Project Exhibition Room
"This is your chair" Project Exhibition Room (Sapporo City, Chuo-ku) is on the second floor of the same building where Hokkaido Arts Foundation is. The representative town or village gives a wooden chair to a baby when he/she is born, and his/her name is inscribed on it. This started in Higashikawa Town, with four more towns in Hokkaido and a town in Nagano Prefecture following. The meaning and heart of this project is to give a message to a baby - "Thank you for being my child. Your place is here." The design differs every year. All models are exhibited in this room.
札幌市出土文物中心 / Sapporo Buried Cultural Properties Center
Sapporo Buried Cultural Properties Center (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) exhibits archeological information of ancient house and grave sites, as well as tools which include earthenware and stone implements which were excavated in Sapporo. On the island of Hokkaido, humans existed 25000 years ago. At this center, there is a very important earthen-made doll which is categorized as 'doguu', and miniature models of ancient villages showing their daily life. This center is in Sapporo Municipal Central Library. The streetcar is a convenient way to get there. They are closed on the weekend and over the New Year period. Admission is free.
北海道文化財團 / Hokkaido Arts Foundation
Yume Port
Yume Port (位於石狩市)是石狩的觀光諮詢中心。內也有販賣石狩產的加工食品以及蔬菜的商店。也有販賣石狩市的吉祥物「鮭太郎、鮭子」的周邊商品。石狩川從前就有鱘魚會洄游、館內有鱘魚的大型標本。夏季期間可以免費租借自行車。除了年末年初假期之外,全年無休。
Yume Port (Ishikari City) has a tourist information center located in the town of Ishikari Beach. There is a shop which sells Ishikari's local specialties (processed foods, beverages, and fresh vegetables.) They proudly show off their local characters, "Sake-taro" and "Sake-ko". Sake stands for salmon in and "taro" and "ko" are traditional suffixes to denote male and female. Sturgeon come to the Ishikari River to breed (its eggs are caviar), and a big, stuffed sturgeon is displayed in the center. In summer, people can use the center's bicycles for free. It is open every day except over New Year period.

Yume Port (Ishikari City) has a tourist information center located in the town of Ishikari Beach. There is a shop which sells Ishikari's local specialties (processed foods, beverages, and fresh vegetables.) They proudly show off their local characters, "Sake-taro" and "Sake-ko". Sake stands for salmon in and "taro" and "ko" are traditional suffixes to denote male and female. Sturgeon come to the Ishikari River to breed (its eggs are caviar), and a big, stuffed sturgeon is displayed in the center. In summer, people can use the center's bicycles for free. It is open every day except over New Year period.

Kita:Kara藝廊 / Kita Kara Gallery
Kita Kara Gallery (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) is located in the same building as Gallery Orori Museum. Kita Kara Gallery opened in March 2014 with a mission to promote sales activities. Kita means 'north' in English, and they chose this word because they wanted to spread Hokkaido's art-related and cultural information from this gallery. Also, Kara means 'to make' in Ainu language. The gallery isn't so big but they hold exhibitions frequently. Their art shop, which sells handy craft products and daily commodities, is next to this gallery.

Kita Kara Gallery (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) is located in the same building as Gallery Orori Museum. Kita Kara Gallery opened in March 2014 with a mission to promote sales activities. Kita means 'north' in English, and they chose this word because they wanted to spread Hokkaido's art-related and cultural information from this gallery. Also, Kara means 'to make' in Ainu language. The gallery isn't so big but they hold exhibitions frequently. Their art shop, which sells handy craft products and daily commodities, is next to this gallery.

藝廊大通美術館 / Gallery Odori Museum
Gallery Odori Museum (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) is a popular art exhibition venue in Sapporo where amateur and professional artists hold exhibitions. Both solo artists and group exhibitions can apply to use these rooms. As exhibitions are updated weekly as a rule, visitors can usually experience new artwork every time they visit the museum. The building which houses Gallery Odori Museum is known as a hub of art in Sapporo, because the Hokkaido Art Foundation and other galleries are in the building too. The museum is closed on Mondays and over the New Year period.

Gallery Odori Museum (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) is a popular art exhibition venue in Sapporo where amateur and professional artists hold exhibitions. Both solo artists and group exhibitions can apply to use these rooms. As exhibitions are updated weekly as a rule, visitors can usually experience new artwork every time they visit the museum. The building which houses Gallery Odori Museum is known as a hub of art in Sapporo, because the Hokkaido Art Foundation and other galleries are in the building too. The museum is closed on Mondays and over the New Year period.

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