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在紀伊國屋書店札幌總店的藝廊 / Kinokuniya Sapporo Bookshop Gallery

在紀伊國屋書店札幌總店的藝廊(位於札幌市中央區) ,主要會展示為期一周或兩周的展覽會。2樓的一部分區域是藝廊,隔壁是Starbucks咖啡廳。紀伊國屋書店是日本最大型的連鎖書店之一。札幌總店位於JR札幌車站的隔壁。舉辦著從陶藝到宛如跳出書面般的立體繪本等各種主題的展覽會。

Kinokuniya Sapporo Bookshop Gallery (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) regularly holds one or two week long exhibitions. The gallery is located on the corner of the second floor, next to Starbucks coffee shop. Kinokuniya is one of the biggest bookshop chains in Japan, and the Hokkaido flagship store is Kinokuniya Sapporo next to JR Sapporo Station. This gallery is free to enter, and they have a variety of exhibitions from traditional Japanese pottery to pop-up picture books for children. They sometimes also hold cultural events in the public area on the first floor.

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