釧路漁人碼頭EGG( 位於釧路市)是像室內植物園般的場所,位於MOO(綜合商業設施)的隔壁。EGG是Ever Green Garden(常綠花園)的簡稱,雖然是在冬天很長的釧路,但在EGG可保持整年的溫暖室溫。是充滿著花朵與綠意的休息場所。可免費入場參觀,內部也設有椅子。偶爾也會在裡面舉辦小型演唱會。
Kushiro Fisherman's Wharf EGG (Kushiro City) is an indoor public area with abundant greenery. Its shape is like a big egg built with glass. It is a glassed-in botanical garden with free admission. EGG is connected to MOO which is a commercial complex for shopping and eating. EGG is an acronym for ‘evergreen garden.’ Although winter in Kushiro is long and cold, the temperature in the building is kept warm year round and visitors can see flowers and green trees any season. Visitors can spend a relaxing, peaceful time here because chairs are provided too. Sometimes free music concerts are held here.
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