City Light Fantasia是使用光雕投影技術的表演秀。為了紀念札幌電視塔開業60週年,舉辦時間從2016年11月11日到2017年1月31日為止(展出時間為17點到21點)。附上參觀入場劵的展望台門票大人一位是900日圓。也有學生票折扣。這是與夜景融為一體的光之藝術表演。
City Light Fantasia is a show using projection mapping, or spatial augmented reality. This is a very special event to commemorate Sapporo TV Tower's 60th anniversary - the tower opened in 1957. The show is held in a room on the third floor which features big windows allowing people to view Odori Park. Visitors can enjoy the art of lights there from November 11, 2016 to January 31, 2017 (5 p.m. to 9 p.m.). The ticket for both the observatory and show is \900, and children can get a discount. The producer of this art is Mr. Ryotaro Muramatsu, the managing director of Naked Inc.
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