NIKKA 威士忌余市蒸餾所(位於余市町)是現今仍有製造威士忌的酒廠兼威士忌博物館。可以參觀實際用來製酒的工廠設施和設備,除了可以學習到威士忌的製造方法跟流程之外,也可以詳細的學到有關威士忌的歷史與文化。這裡也有展示創歷NIKKA的竹鶴政孝和出生於蘇格蘭的妻子Rita的住家。
Nikka Whisky’s Yoichi Distillery (Yoichi Town) is a big factory and museum. Visitors can learn about whisky through observing facilities and devices which are in use now. There is also a museum of whisky. It shows not only their products, ingredients, processes of producing, and whisky brands, but also the history of whisky, other whisky brands in the world and cultural things related to whisky. Masataka Taketsuru and his wife, Rita, who was born in Scotland, came to Yoichi and started an apple juice factory in 1934, and started whisky distilling from 1936. Their old house is also exhibited here.
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