石狩 、空知、後志地區因為受到日本海上空所形成的雲霧和西北風的影響降雪量很多。雖然岩見沢市周遭是豪雪地區,札幌市也是一年中有數次一天中就可以降雪數十公分。從12月中旬開始雪就不會融化而成為硬的積雪。雖然有除雪車會除雪但也只是將積雪移到道路兩旁,因此道路寬度會變的狹窄。主要道路的積雪會用卡車將積雪載到丟積雪的場所。
The districts of Ishikari, Sorachi and Shiribeshi have a lot of snow in winter from the clouds coming in over the Sea of Japan and northwesterly winds. Iwamizawa City and the surroundings especially are recognized to have huge amounts of snow. Also, Sapporo City sometimes gets heavy snow - tens of centimeters a day. From the middle of December, snow typically doesn't melt on the ground. Bulldozers work to clear the snow, but the snow is left on both sides of roads. As the width of roads gets narrower, drivers should drive carefully. As for main roads, snow on both sides are sometimes cleared by dump trucks.
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