北海道的玫瑰花盛開季節是在6月末到9月末。玫瑰花的種類有很多,開花的季節也不同。北海道內的玫瑰園,大多都會同時種植早開花的品種,以及晚開花的品種。札幌市內在大通公園、Roses Garden,以及雪印種苗園藝中心都有玫瑰花園。羽幌町、岩見沢市的玫瑰花園也很有名。
Hokkaido Flower Information
The best season for seeing roses is from June to October. It’s quite a long period for people to enjoy the roses on account of the many different rose species. Some start blooming in the middle of June, while others bloom as late as October. In Hokkaido, there are some popular rose gardens which have both early and later-blooming species. In Sapporo, Odori Park, the Royce Garden at Royce’s chocolate factory, and Yukijirushi Shubyo Horticulture Center are well known. Iwamizawa City and Haboro Town also feature large scale rose gardens. There are also many private gardens all over Hokkaido with roses for all to see.
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