Shinkawa River runs through both Sapporo City and Otaru City where it meets the Sea of Japan. This is an artificial river and was built in 1886 to control flooding. On both sides of the Sapporo section of the river, roads run along the banks. The roads are called Shinkawa-dori Street. Long promenades are also on both sides of the river. Residents around the river started to plant a lot of cherry trees consisting of different species. In the sakura season in mid spring, drivers can feel as if there is a long pink wall which is 10.5 kilometers in length.
* Hokkaido Travel Tips的部落格
*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
We compile information on “0 yen tourist spots” and “must-see paid spots with extra benefits” and then keep them in our blog as archives for your convenience. We also introduce the food of Hokkaido and interesting souvenirs to take home.
新川 / Shinkawa River
寒地土木研究所 / The Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Regions
The Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Regions is located in Toyohira-ku, Sapporo. Many Chishima-zakura trees - a cherry tree species which only grows in relatively cold regions such as Hokkaido - are planted on the land surrounding the center. To assist in environmental maintenance, 200 trees were brought to the center from Kiritappu in eastern Hokkaido in 1984. This national research center is closed to the public, but they open their doors to the public when the sakura flowers are in season. This is usually for about a week at the end of April or the beginning of May. There is a small river and it makes for a beautiful setting.
札幌拉麵共和國 / Sapporo Ramen Kyowakoku
Sapporo Ramen Kyowakoku has eight popular ramen noodle specialty shops representing different areas of Hokkaido (as of April 2015, there is one shop from Asahikawa, Mori, Otaru, Hakodate; and four shops from Sapporo). The shops sometimes change without notice, and 43 shops have been there since the opening of the venue in October 2004. This place is like a theme-park of ramen noodles and this facility is designed like a town – despite being on the 10th floor of Esta building. Kyowakoku translates to ‘republic’ in English. The ramen is of course not free, but admission is free to explore this themed facility. Opening hours are 11 a.m. – 10 p.m., 365 days a year.
佳能(Canon)藝廊 / Canon Gallery
佳能(Canon) 藝廊與富士相片沙龍一樣是ㄧ整年舉行攝影展的地方。也有因更換攝影作品而休息的日子,因此欲前往參觀的話請先從以下連結來確認。佳能是製造相機、攝影機、影印機等精密機械的公司。不論是職業或業餘攝影家的作品,又或者是得獎的作品等這裏都會展出。入場參觀免費,含札幌全日本總共有7個佳能藝廊。
Canon Gallery holds free photo exhibitions throughout the year. As they sometimes close to change exhibitions, please check the schedule on their website below. Canon Inc. manufacturers a wide range of precision instruments and machines such as digital cameras, video recorders, and copying machines. Canon has been one of Japan’s global renowned companies for many years. In the gallery, award winning photos taken by both amateurs and professionals are on display. Entrance to the gallery is free of charge. Canon has seven galleries in Japan: Sapporo, Shinagawa (Tokyo), Ginza (Tokyo), Sendai, Umeda (Osaka), Nagoya, and Fukuoka.
富士相片沙龍 / Fuji Photo Salon
Fuji Photo Salon (Sapporo City, Chuo-ku) holds free photo exhibitions throughout the year. This venue is managed by Fujifilm Corporation, which was one of the largest photo film companies in the world in past years. In recent years, Fujifilm has created business entities separate from photography, such as cosmetics, but it continues it's photo activity through this salon. The exhibitions are changed periodically, and the photos are always very impressive. More information on the exhibition on show, and those being prepared can be found on their website. (which is all in Japanese)
札幌的美麗村落 / Sapporo Pirka Kotan
Pirika Kotan是阿伊努語的「札幌的美麗村落」之意(正式名稱為札幌市阿伊努族文化交流中心)。它是可以邊體驗邊學習北海道的原住民-阿伊努族的生活方式、文化、以及歷史的大型設施。室外設有復原的阿伊努族的住所。只有展示室是需費用的(成人200日圓,中學生以下免費),但是展示品的工具和樂器等多是可以體驗及觸摸的。地點靠近定山溪。
Sapporo Pirka Kotan is a large educational museum for learning about and experiencing Ainu (Hokkaido's indigenous people) lifestyle, culture, and history. Pirka Kotan means "a beautiful village in Sapporo" in Ainu language. There are a number of restored houses used by Ainu many years ago. Only the exhibition room has a small charge for entry. (Adults 200 yen. Junior high school age down is free). In the exhibition room, most of the exhibits such as Ainu musical and cooking instruments can be handled by visitors. Pirka Kotan, located near Jozankei Hot Springs, is a fun place to visit and enjoy.
白色戀人公園 / Shiroi Koibito Park
Shiroi Koibito (which translates to White Lover) is Ishiya Confectionery's famous chocolate cookie. Shiroi Koibito is one of the most famous souvenirs of Hokkaido. There is a big factory and exhibition venue called Shiroi Koibito Park in Miyanosawa, Sapporo. There is a fee to enter the factory to observe the production of the famous cookie, and other interesting chocolate-related activity. The outdoor park is free of charge. In winter, the park is illuminated. In the park, there is a big mechanical trick clock which moves on the hour from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. called Chocolate Carnival. There is also an exhibition room of old toys and merchandise. Both are free.

電視塔老爹車輪餅 / TV Tosan Yaki
Imagawayaki, which is a sweet Japanese snack, comes in the shape of Sapporo TV Tower’s mascot - TV Tosan. The name is a pun. 'Tosan' means father, 'tou' means tower, and 'san' is like 'Mr.' This snack is only sold at the shop on the basement floor of Sapporo TV Tower. Red bean and vanilla custard Imagawayaki are only 140 yen. It is ok to eat in front of the shop, or it is possible to take your sweets to the 3rd floor which has a free resting place. This snack will give you lots of energy to walk around Sapporo exploring.
北海道立阿努族綜合中心 / Hokkaido Ainu Center
Hokkaido Ainu Center showcases how Ainu people lived in earlier times. The Ainu are the aboriginal people of Hokkaido. This exhibition was established to preserve and pass Ainu culture down from generation to generation. Visitors can learn everything from traditional Ainu costume to their lifestyle. A pair of stuffed higuma (brown bear) are on show too. The Center is located on the 7th floor of Kaderu 2.7 Building. It is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. everyday except Sundays, public holidays and the New Year break. This is the only place in downtown Sapporo to see Ainu culture, and entrance is free of charge.
札幌大通地下長廊 500m美術館 / Sapporo Odori 500-m Underground Walkway Gallery
札幌大通地下長廊 500m美術館是於2012年開始常設在札幌地下街的設施。其位置介於在札幌地下鐵大通站與巴士中心前站之間的地下通路,在日本所有設置在車站設施通道的藝廊當中它是距離最長的。在那裡展示著活躍於札幌的藝術家們的作品,您可以邊步行邊欣賞這些作品。作品點燈照明的時間為7點30分至22點為止,免費參觀。
Sapporo Odori 500-m Underground Walkway
Gallery has been open since 2012. As the name suggests, it is about 500 meters
long. This gallery is located between Sapporo Subway's Odori Station and Bus
Center Mae Station, and this is the longest gallery space in all transportation
stations in Japan. There is a lot of artwork created by artists who are
actively working, mainly in Sapporo. The artwork displayed is changed
periodically. People can look the gallery while walking. Bus Center Mae Station
is the closest station to Sapporo Factory which is a huge shopping mall. It is
lit from 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m., and is open 365 days of the year.
北海道神宮 / Hokkaido Shrine
Hokkaido Shrine was built in 1869, which
coincided with the start of Hokkaido’s prosperity. Omikuji, which means fortune
slip, have English and Japanese versions. There are a variety of omamori, or
good luck charms, for such things as ease of delivering babies, and protection
from car accidents. Hokkaido Shrine's grounds are large, and Maruyama Zoo is
located nearby. As the grounds of the shrine are covered with trees, walking
through this wooded area is enjoyable, especially in summer. The shrine's festival
is held from June 14-16 every year at both the shrine and Nakajima Park. Food
stands and other temporary shops and stands are there, and people have a good
time eating, and buying souvenirs.
札幌市資料館 / Sapporo Shiryokan ( Former Sapporo Court of Appeals)
The Sapporo Shiryokan building used to house the Sapporo Court of Appeal. It was constructed in 1926 using rare and distinguished soft stone. This stone is called Sapporo Nanseki, which means soft stone quarried in Sapporo. The building is now designated as one of Japan's tangible cultural properties. In 1973, the building was reopened as a museum. Visitors can see the restored courtroom as it used to be. There is also an exhibition room presenting Hiroshi Ooba, who was a famous manga artist who passed away in 1988. There are also some rooms used as public galleries.

中島公園 / Nakajima Park
Nakajima Park is next to Susukino, which is famous for having the best nightlife in northern Japan. Nakajima Park has many facilities and highlights to help you have a fun time, and also relax. Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, Sapporo Astronomical Observatory, Hoheikan (Historical Guest House), and a big pond where visitors can enjoy paddling boats are some of the features of the park. As the park is located near the center of Sapporo, it is convenient for tourists to visit, and in the morning it is quiet and calm. In winter, visitors can borrow snow shoes to walk. At the beginning of summer, a big festival is held there.
投稿 (Atom)