札幌大通地下長廊 500m美術館是於2012年開始常設在札幌地下街的設施。其位置介於在札幌地下鐵大通站與巴士中心前站之間的地下通路,在日本所有設置在車站設施通道的藝廊當中它是距離最長的。在那裡展示著活躍於札幌的藝術家們的作品,您可以邊步行邊欣賞這些作品。作品點燈照明的時間為7點30分至22點為止,免費參觀。
Sapporo Odori 500-m Underground Walkway
Gallery has been open since 2012. As the name suggests, it is about 500 meters
long. This gallery is located between Sapporo Subway's Odori Station and Bus
Center Mae Station, and this is the longest gallery space in all transportation
stations in Japan. There is a lot of artwork created by artists who are
actively working, mainly in Sapporo. The artwork displayed is changed
periodically. People can look the gallery while walking. Bus Center Mae Station
is the closest station to Sapporo Factory which is a huge shopping mall. It is
lit from 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m., and is open 365 days of the year.
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