2016年的札幌雪祭是從2月5號~2月11號(Tsu Dome會場則是到18號為止)。大通會場的主要大型雪像有動漫人物·進擊的巨人、圓形劇場、台灣的奇岩·女王頭、澳門的聖保祿大教堂遺址、北海道新幹線、動漫人物·七龍珠。除了有國際雪像競賽,也有市民製作的小雪像。
The Sapporo Snow
Festival is held at three sites in the city - Odori Park and Susukino in
downtown Sapporo, and Tsu Dome in the suburbs. The Sapporo Snow Festival 2016
will run from February 5th to 11th (18th at Tsu Dome ). There are big snow and
ice sculptures at the Odori Site every year. In 2016, they are Shingeki-no
Kyojin - Japanese animation, an open-air amphitheater, a strange-shaped rock
from Taiwan, the Queen's Head, the ruins of St. Paul's Church in Macau,
Hokkaido Shinkansen (bullet train) and Dragon Ball Super - Japanese animation.
The International Snow Sculpture Contest is held also where people from
different countries create a carving relevant to their culture. Whats more,
there are many citizen's snow sculptures.
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