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*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
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不動之瀑 / Fudou Waterfall

不動之瀑(位於栗山町)是在Taratsu 川落差5公尺,寬度7公尺的瀑布。瀑布名字的由來是在1905年時,開拓此地的群眾將不動明王的雕像安置在此地的原因。春天是櫻花(5月上旬到中旬) 、秋天是楓葉(10月中旬到下旬),景色十分宜人。從JR栗山站開車約20分鐘的距離。11月~4月末的期間會關閉。這裏也有可以取用瀑布飲水的地方。

Fudou Waterfall (Kuriyama Town) is on Taratsu River and it is five meters in height and seven meters in width. Its Japanese name is Fudou-no Taki and Fudou means Acala, a famous Buddhism deity. In 1905, those who were involved in the development of this area established Acala's statue there. From the beginning to the middle of May cherry trees bloom, and from the middle to the end of October the colored leaves are so beautiful. It takes about 20 minutes by car from JR Kuriyama Station. Visitors can drink natural pure water there. It is closed from November to the end of April.

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