* Hokkaido Travel Tips的部落格

*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
We compile information on “0 yen tourist spots” and “must-see paid spots with extra benefits” and then keep them in our blog as archives for your convenience. We also introduce the food of Hokkaido and interesting souvenirs to take home.



Sapporo Autumn Fest

Autumn Fest (秋天祭典)是以慶祝秋季北海道的食物為目的,每年9月舉行的慶典。舉行期間約一個月,會場在札幌市中心的大通公園。在大型的公園當中各式各樣的店家比鄰開店,也有舉辦免費的音樂演奏會。在札幌的秋季時節這裡聚集了北海道當中美味的海產品、農產品、加工食品。光只是逛逛就會覺得肚子很有滿足感。

Sapporo Autumn Fest is a big festival celebrating the harvest and cooking or processing of food from around Hokkaido. This event is held over three weeks in September every year in Odori Park, which stretches over 12 blocks in the center of Sapporo. There are a lot of different stalls selling dishes using farm and dairy products, or seafood and meat from Hokkaido. Also, free shows such as music concerts can be seen on different stages. Not only food but also beverages such as wine are sold there too. Even looking at all these shops would make anybodies stomach grumble.

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