Space•Apple Yoichi(位於余市町)是位在國道229號線上的道路休息站。余市是第二位日本人太空人-毛利衛的出生地。此外,也是著名的水果之鄉。這裡的「錯覺之屋」的地板是歪斜的,因此可以體驗彷彿在宇宙中的感覺(雖然不是無重力但是會令平衡感歪斜)。除了有販賣真正的太空食品之外,也有販賣許多使用水果的土特產。
Space Apple Yoichi (Yoichi Town) is a road station on Route 229. Yoichi is famous for growing fruit. It is also Mamoru Mouri's hometown. He was the first NASA astronaut from Japan, boarding the Space Shuttle in 1992. There is an interesting room called the Illusion Room. The floor of the room is sloped like a spaceship cabin, and the walls are mirrors. In this module, people can feel as if they lose their sense of balance although it's not zero gravity. The shop sells a variety of things related to space such as space food or products made of fruit.
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