2018 札幌雪祭小雪像
2018 Sapporo Snow Festival Small snow sculptures
2018 Sapporo Snow Festival Small snow sculptures
小雪像是經過抽選的札幌市民所製作的雪像。每年小雪像的主題很容易出現當年成為話題的人物或新聞。今年的札幌雪祭可以看到去年日本娛樂圈的明星「Blouson Chiemi」,以及加入北海道的職業棒球球團-日本火腿隊的矚目新人「清宮幸太郎」為主題的小雪像。也有每年固定會出場的動物或城堡等主題的雪像。
Small snow sculptures in the Sapporo Snow
Festival are made by teams drawn by ballot from a large number of aspiring
carvers. Without fail, some of the sculptures use famous people or things as
themes. For example, in 2018, Buruzon Chiemi, a star of Japanese TV shows, is
seen. Also, Kotaro Kiyomiya, who is the new face of the Nippon Ham Fighters
(Hokkaido’s pro baseball team), is depicted. Other typical artworks by Hokkaido
residents are different animals of Hokkaido. Interestingly, at least one
Japanese castle and TV Tousan, the character of Sapporo TV Tower can be seen
every year.
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