* Hokkaido Travel Tips的部落格

*Hokkaido Travel Tips’ Blog
We compile information on “0 yen tourist spots” and “must-see paid spots with extra benefits” and then keep them in our blog as archives for your convenience. We also introduce the food of Hokkaido and interesting souvenirs to take home.



火山展望地・大島亮吉紀念碑 / The Monument of Oshima Ryokichi

火山展望地・大島亮吉紀念碑(位於鹿追町) 位在國道274號沿線上。位在從道路休息站「URIMAKU」往士幌町方向約2公里的地方。在落葉松防風林的後面可以看到東・西NUPUKAUSHINUPURI(阿伊努語當中意味聳立在平原當中的山)的兩座山峰。在沒有遮蔽物的十勝平原上只要吹強風就會塵土飛揚。防風林和廣大的田野就是鹿追的代表風景。

The Monument of Oshima Ryokichi (Shikaoi Town) is also famed as a viewpoint of mountains, with car parking and and an information board. It is located on route 274, approximately two kilometers away from the road station, Urimaku, when driving toward Shihoro Town. Higashi (east) and Nishi (west) Nupukaushinupuri are two mountains; and the name means high mountains on the plain in Ainu language. From this vantage point, a horizontal belt of Japanese larch can be seen over the vast field. This line of trees was planted to prevent strong winds from turning the agricultural fields into dust bowls. The view is typical in the town.

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