日文的「菜之花」指的就是油菜花。「菜」意味著可以食用,可以做為蔬菜來食用以及採取油脂。油菜花的最佳觀賞時期是從5月中旬到6月上旬。從札幌開車約2個小時車程的滝川市的油菜花田很有名,種植面積為日本第一。整片都變成黃色的田地。也有舉辦油菜花祭典,也販賣使用油菜花的各種食物。 事先在網路或道路休息站取得花田地圖也很方便。
Hokkaido Flower Information
Rape blossoms
Nano Hana is the nick name of rape blossoms. “Nano” stands for “edible” and “hana” means flowers. In Japan, they have long been cultivated for both the production of oil and eating. The best season for rape flowers is between the middle of May to the beginning of June. Takikawa City is famous for large fields of them, producing more than anywhere else in Japan. People can watch the field becoming yellow. In Takikawa, Nano Hana Fedtival is held in the end of May, with unique foods using rape offered. The fields’ map for sightseeing is useful.
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