1丁目的主題為「Oktoberfest」(語源為德語的10月祭典)。這裡可以感受札幌的姐妹都市-德國慕尼黑的世界著名的啤酒節的氣氛。這裡有德國料理和各式各樣的啤酒。4丁目會場的主題為「Welcome Park 」。可以享受北海道的當季食材,也有20種以上的500圓硬幣美食。也有北海道發祥的便利商店-Seicomark的葡萄酒吧台。
The theme of 1-chome is Sapporo Octoberfest
2017. It's a recreation of the actual Octoberfest, which focuses on beer, and
is held in Munich, Germany. Munich is one of Sapporo's sister cities. Authentic
German beer and food are available. The theme of 4-chome is Welcome Park. As
the entrance venue for Autumn Fest, foods made with local Hokkaido ingredients
welcome visitors. There are more than 20 dishes at just 500 yen; a reasonably
priced menu at only one 500 yen coin. There is a wine bar managed by Seicomart,
Hokkaido's local convenience store chain. Local food and tourism information
desk can also be found there.
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