富士見(位於遠別町)是連結稚內市和留萌市的國道232號線上的道路休息站。這條道路又被稱作為日本海Ororon Line,其由來是因為這個地區以前可以看到Ororon鳥(海烏鴉)。晴天時,從山丘上的餐廳可以隔著日本海看到利尻富士山。停車場旁邊也有販賣輕食和零食的商店。
Fujimi (Enbetsu Town) is a road station on
route 232, which connects Wakkanai City and Rumoi City. This road is also
called Nihon Kai Ororon Line - Nihon Kai is the Sea of Japan and Ororon is the
Japanese name of a common murre which faces extinction in this modern age.
There used to be a lot of colonies where Ororon birds had their nests along the
coastlines. On sunny days, you can see Rishiri Fuji Mountain from the
restaurant on the hill on the grounds of this road station. Also, there are
shops selling light meals and snacks.
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