空之廣場(位於札幌市中央區)是位在Stellar Place Sapporo 頂樓(9樓)的廣場。以「休憩、聚集、歡樂」的概念來建造而成。可以感受到植物的綠意盎然和接近天空的開放感,是都會的綠洲。除了作為市民熟悉的休憩場所之外,也會用來舉辦活動。Stellar Place Sapporo連結著JR Tower、札幌車站和大丸百貨公司。
Sora-no Hiroba (Sapporo City Chuo-ku) is a open-air place on the rooftop of Sapporo Stellar Place, on the 9th floor. This place was established based on conceptions of having fun, meeting up and enjoying something. A big green bed with plants and the sky allow visitors to feel its an oasis of the urban area. Many people enjoy being there during the day and sometimes it is used for events such as the Sapporo Flower Carpet. Sapporo Stellar Place is part of a commercial complex in which JR Tower, JR Sapporo Station, and Daimaru Department store are connected. Sora-no Hiroba stands for Sky Square.
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